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Mission Statement

Mission Statement (CBMV)

Calgary Buddhist Maha Vihara (CBMV) founded in the Summer of year 2018, basically aspires to the following:
  • To present and uphold with the sincerest veneration, unstinted devotion and love the Three Gems: namely (1) Buddha, (2) Dhamma and (3) Sangha:
  • To be guided and inspired by the teachings of the Buddha and the teachers who have followed the original Pali (Magadha) Teachings of the Buddha, streamed down generation to generation by the Theravadin Elders, as per the Tripitaka or the Three Baskets of the Teachings of the Buddha:
  • To present the Buddha-Dhamma in a language and manner relevant and comprehensible to all and sundry in a contemporary Canadian context, without deviation on grounds of different schools of teaching in the Dhamma, language or ethnicity, although the Temple is predominantly based on Theravada sector, while welcoming one and all who seek refuge in the Three Gems, without any exception or discrimination:
  • To present the Buddha-Dhamma in a language and manner relevant and comprehensible to all and sundry in a contemporary Canadian context, without deviation on grounds of different schools of teaching in the Dhamma, language or ethnicity, although the Temple is predominantly based on Theravada sector, while welcoming one and all who seek refuge in the Three Gems, without any exception or discrimination:
  • To be a positive presence in our local community, working to develop and enhance the vitality and Virtuallty of our neighborhood:
  • To honor and continue with the traditions of Theravada Buddhism and of our founding constituents, members and the Sri Lankan Canadian community of all walks of life and faith, culture, language and ethnicity:
  • To always live and encourage the Buddhist way of life!


  • Create a leading Canadian Buddhist Society, giving Theravada Buddhist values and Wisdom a voice in Canada, conglomerating through National and International Buddhist Organization(s) through close cooperation and participation in activities with sincere camaraderie:
  • Develop an understanding within any particular Canadian communities through meditation practices and organizing retreats for interested communities and groups:
  • Promote dialogue among different Buddhist traditions and with other religious groups of interest, on beliefs and philosophies, as well as with different schools of Buddhist Teachings and practices:
  • Propagate Buddhist culture, ethics, philosophy, participate in social activities and practices of Buddhism in a Canadian context:
  • Indulge in activities on socially engaged Buddhists and other groups, sharing appropriate teachings of the Buddha and explore avenues as to how Buddha Dhamma can contribute to the success of any given scenarios and programs aimed at creating a better world:
  • Build partnership with other organizations and communities to end discrimination of any type and promote human rights, while equally respecting animal life through advocating, promoting and observing the three virtues – Mettah, Karunah and Mudithah towards all sentient beings.